Sunday, September 11, 2011

The little moments...

It has been a really rough start to the school year. Our chaotic summer didn't really do it's job getting us the R&R we needed to tackle another school year. So as we returned to school and all the changes that come with new classes, new students, new grade levels, and new administrators, we just haven't found our groove and settled into our routine.

So as the anniversary of 9/11 is upon us and the death of a dear friend's father just occurred, I decided it was time to stop and recount the little moments that have made our start of the year so amazing. It is in those little moments that we garner so much happiness, so here's about a few of our little moments...

It all started during our Eid break (here: it's called Idul Fitri).  Eid is the time of year when all Muslims celebrate with family and friends as they mark then end of Ramadan. Our week off was therapeutic as we worked, rested, relaxed, and spent one refreshingly busy day cooking for our friends. What a joy it was to spend hours on finding delicious recipes for an Italian feast. And then... to have our kitchen to ourselves again was such a dream. We could cook at our heart's content and our helper, Yanti, would prep our work by doing all the cutting and washing up! It was so fun to prepare a feast for those who appreciate good food. From the pasta to the breadsticks, red sauces and great vino (NOT from Indonesia!) a wonderfully therapeutic evening was had by all.

Then, it was time to prepare for Xavier's 8th birthday party. For me, party planning is a great thrill. Even better is planning a kids birthday party. It's a thrill to the Nth degree. But as a stay-at-home, a September birthday party was just another fun party to plan. As a nomadic teacher, birthday party planning is far more complicated. It requires planning in the summer so you know what kind of favors to pack. You also have to ask A LOT of questions like... where do you get a good cake in Surabaya? Or find specialty printing paper? Or how do you get pizza delivered when you don't speak enough Bahasa Indonesia? It's complicated. And poor Xavier could sense it. So, three days before go-time, Xavier asked, "Mama, is this party going to be fun?"

I had to kick-it into high gear... and fast! We came up with some fun age-appropriate games like Dino-Pictionary and Rob put together one of his exhausting treasure hunts that got the kids running upstairs and downstairs while completing some challenging activities. The obnoxiously loud party ended with some delicious homemade dino-cake (filled with Nutella butter-cream frosting as per Xavi's request) and a pinball competition. While we waited for the parents to descend on our abode, we tossed cups and plates into the kitchen where the lovely Yanti washed and put away. With the kids upstairs tearing up the play room, Rob and I were able to put our house back together again.

By 5:30, all the kids were picked up Rob and I were able to sit down to a cocktail with some friends.

As I write this, people around the states are waking up to numerous 9/11 remembrance specials, activities, and stories. As I write this blog, my friend and her family are grieving the loss of their patriarch. As I sit here typing away on the computer I hear the sniffles of two tired and sick kids on the couch and I think to myself... thank God for the little moments! 

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