Thursday, July 09, 2015

A Book for Christina

We had a great summer holiday in the USA and I was going to hit the ground running in Belgium and start blogging about our trip to California. But when we walked in to the Bomma and Bompa's house, my phone *dinged* with a message about the passing of my friend, former  colleague, and Xavier's 3rd grade teacher, Christina Hutterer.

Between cleaning up the kids vomit (they caught Roman and Katya's tummy bug and it reared it's ugly head at 37,000 feet) and drugging away their headaches and fever, I tried to console my grief. I added every one of my Indonesian friends to a big group list where I asked people to share their favorite memories of her. This "work" began to quench the despair I was feeling.

When I woke up on Day 2 in Belgium, I thought... I have to do something with these beautiful memories. I have got to share this with her parents. So I grabbed my Mac and consolidated the messages and photos in to a book.

What you see below is a slideshow video of that book. Before I print the book for her family, please look through the pages (I had to embed it as a video, so you might have to pause to read your comments). I had to make some changes for spelling and space but I think that your thoughts have been captured appropriately. If not, please contact me.

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