This weekend Mama had to work at school on Friday and Saturday. It's really fun to be with Papa because when Mama isn't around, we get to have even more fun! We get to eat potatoes with mayo and beans followed by Nutella crepes for desert, we get to build huge, messy, obnoxious forts all over the living room, and we get to make up stupid lyrics to some of Mama's favorite songs. When Mama's around, it can be bor-ing! Most of the time, when Mama's around there are rules, there are chores, and there are messes to clean up! So when Mama is away, here's is what can happen..
To make it even more exciting, Papa not only let us do it, but he video-taped it, added sound effects, and uploaded it to YouTube so we could share it with the world.
We hope Mama doesn't find out!
Anouk, Xavier, and Papa... "Three's Trouble"
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